Monday, November 30, 2009

Adult Stem Cell Derivation

Image displaying how adult stem cells are derived. (from


  1. Nice diagram!!! Makes it easy to follow the logic as it goes along.

  2. still needs research. if i can volunteer my body for science why i cant volunteer my unborn baby

  3. Research is well used and your arguement is very convincing and informative.

  4. hey Brian,
    I agree with what you are saying here. It was interesting that embyonic stem cells can cause Carcenoma.
    kim Grady

  5. good presentation. I like how your blog is set up. I believe that it still needs more research also. stem cell research is very interesting.

  6. The presentation was well done, very informative and easy to follow.

  7. Just out of curiosity; is it quite painful to have stem cells extracted from a living person?

  8. Arguement is extremely persuasive (even though I already agree). Your research is awesome and you used it and the vidoe very well in your presentation. I like how much research you used to back up your opinion. NICE!

  9. To Josh Z: No it is not painful to donate stem cells. New techniques have made it quite easy

    To everyone else: Thank you

  10. I liked your power point! It helped me understand the basics and importance of having stem cell research. Especially since this could connect to my very own argument on drunk drivers. Perhaps the victims of Drunk Driving related accidents could benefit from stem cell research?
